Thursday 6 October 2011

Annual Library Goals

Today, I submitted my annual library goals to my principal, and found out this afternoon they were approved.  Here they are:
Goal 1: Use social media to promote reading and available resources
I would like to use social media to increase communication between the library and the school community.  This will give the library another avenue to spread the word about upcoming events, book releases, reading tips, and more.  By informing stakeholders in our students’ education about what the library has on offer, we can directly impact student learning by promoting reading and available resources.  I will create a Facebook page and make at least one post each week.  We will actively promote the page through email signature, hand outs, and word of mouth.  By the end of the year, we will have over 50 people from our school community who have “liked” the site.
Goal 2: Create an elementary library website for students, faculty, and parents
I would like to create a one-stop website for everything related to our library (class sign-up calendar, card catalogue, book suggestions form, links to units).  By knowing where to go and find things easily, library patrons will feel more encouraged to use our services.  By the end of the year, there will be at least one unit up for each grade level in each subject area. 
Goal 3: Create resource lists for patrons to find resources more easily
Our card catalogue system has the ability to hold resource lists on any topic that we would like, but this has not been utilized.  By the end of the year, there will be at least 50 resource lists with 10 or more book suggestions in each one.
Goal 1: Review, adopt, and align curriculum library standards
While there are some library-related curriculum objectives currently up on Atlas, the curriculum is not very developed.  There are organizations, such as the American Association of School Librarians and the American Library Association who have published library standards for students.  I would like to review these as a starting point and adopt a set of standards for us to begin working from.  By the end of the year we will have our standards selected, and many or all of our grade level benchmarks in place.
Goal 1: Develop a list of age-appropriate read-aloud books for each grade level to be used during library period
The first 10-15 minutes of every library period involves a read-aloud story, but currently nothing is in place as to what books will be read.  We would like to have a list that can be used from year to year (modified as needed) and that promotes library and classroom curriculum objectives, a love of reading, and the development of age-appropriate critical thinking skills.  By the end of the year, we will have these lists formed (many of which we will have used in our classes).
Goal 1: Collect data from students to create a stronger library program through the use of student-friendly surveys, discussions, and observation. 
To create a stronger library program, I would like to collect information on students’ reading habits, what they like to/don’t like to read, strategies, strengths/weaknesses, and interests.  By the end of the year, we will have used student friendly-surveys, discussions, and observations to create a report that has this information.  This report will help us make more informed decisions to guide instruction.


  1. Congratulations! All great goals! Keep us posted about the promotion of the new Facebook page, etc.

  2. Hi Jeremy,
    I need your email address to mail you the newsletter for Intercultural Dimensions. Please write. Thank you.
